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The Mission of KAMO Adventures is three-fold:

  • We offer hunting and fishing experiences in a safe and supportive environment where veterans can assist each other in the healing process, both mentally and physically.  Each experience is unique and we encourage the veterans to focus on their abilities, regardless of their current physical or emotional limitations.

  • We provide education opportunities for veterans and their families through a scholarship fund established at the University of Kansas and the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

  • We help veterans transition into the civilian workforce through networking and employment opportunities.

KAMO Adventures is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit that is completely volunteer-run with all funds collected going directly to the veterans. 

KAMO Adventures was founded in 2011 when Stephen Johnson, Bill Eckert, and members of the Horse Creek Hunt Club decided to expand their impact with local Kansas and Missouri wounded veterans.


"In the fall of 2008, I decided to make good on a promise I made to myself.  It stemmed from my father's funeral and the deep sympathy and honor that I felt when the honor guard did the rifle salute.


The promise I made to myself was to give back.  I decided to give what I knew best; my love of the outdoors.  I would invite into our home some of the wounded soldiers that had paid the price to protect our family.  It was my goal for them to feel the warmth, excitement, and the camaraderie that I felt when I was a young man at my uncle's home."


- Stephen Johnson, Co-Founder

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